Accadueo Impianti

Cleaner Planet

Accadueo Impianti specializes in the customized design, construction, and management of wastewater treatment plants, offering comprehensive global service solutions.

Focusing exclusively on industrial water treatment, Accadueo designs plants for both process water and wastewater.

Its offer also include Global Service, which encompasses the supply of spare parts and chemicals, as well as tailored maintenance solutions. This ensures continuous support and optimal long-term performance of its water treatment plants.



Italy is one of the most water-intensive countries in Europe, both in absolute terms, with over 9 billion m3 of water withdrawn per year for civil use (1st country in the European Union), and in relative terms, with 152 m3 of water withdrawn per inhabitant per year (2nd country in the European Union).

Legambiente calculates that from 2007 to 2017, industrial plants released about 5,622 tonnes of chemicals into water sources.

All these factors only worsen the Italian water situation, which is increasingly affected by droughts and desertification (about 21% of Italy is at risk of desertification).

Impact Mission

Reduce water use to tackle water scarcity and prevent the discharge of waters with pollutants, which could also be recovered and reused thanks to Accadueo solutions.


Country: Italy
Year Founded: 1976

Date of Investment: December 2024
Investment Manager: Nicola Lambert

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  • Quantity of water reused in industrial processes (m3)
  • Reduction of pollutants in the wasted water
  • Useful Materials recovered by treating the water (in kg)